Coaching for Teens and Millennials

Betsy Zeger has been a guest trainer in the Peer Resource classroom at Redwood High School in Marin County, Ca. since 2004. She trains the students on Active Listening Skills, Communication and Listening Skills, Mediation Skills along with helping to set up their first Peer Support Center.
The students training helps them to deeply listen to their peers without judgement or a solution, instead they practice empathy and ask intuitive and powerful questions.
She has a Private Coaching practice for Teens and Millennials. Her deep belief in young people and her ability to be with them where they are, makes for trusting and successful relationships with her young clients.
In 2015 Betsy helped to spearhead the creation of the Tamalpais Union High School District Wellness Center. The Center’s provide additional and coordinated support for all students in the areas of Health, Social and Emotional Health, Substance Use and Abuse, and Reproductive Health.
Creating these Center’s was and will continue to be a very exciting and challenging mountain to climb. The district and the community rallied together with their time and financial support to let the students know that who they are and what they feel inside matters to everyone.